Religious education

KS3 RE: Christianity and Islam bundle
A set of 9 lessons for KS3 RE groups aiming to introduce students to some specific features of Christianity and Islam and to develop skills for answering the questions using PEE structure. Lessons include Kagan activities, PEE slides with sentence starters and peer/self-assessment materials. I have also included the assessment that I did on Christianity that term.

A set of 3 lessons on Christian Traditions
This is a set of three lessons for the KS3 RE class in relation to Easter, Christmas and the stories of Moses and Noah. The lessons include starters, challenging Kagan activities, and some of the introduce PEE structure to the students with sentence starters and assessment criteria for peer/self-assessment!

KS3 - 3 lessons on Christianity + assessment
Three lessons for KS3 RE (I had used them for year ) on Christianity. We tried to do something different from what they had on Christianity a year before. Therefore, the lessons are related to the topics of prayer, nature of God and church. All of the lessons have starters, settlers, kagan-type activities and a writing exercise to practise PEE with self/peer-assessment. I have also prepared an assessment based on these lessons.

KS3 -Islam: Halal / Haram, Mosque and Qu'ran
These are three lessons on Islam that I have prepared for the KS3 RE class. They all include settlers, starters, lesson objectives, keywords, Kagan-type activities featuring SMSC. Enjoy!